TVIP S box 410 v 3.9.12

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Joined: 14 Nov 2017, 22:24

TVIP S box 410 v 3.9.12

Post by lylyanad » 14 Nov 2017, 22:42

Good morning all,

I'm not use to this box and i'm facing some difficulties tu set up my webportal.
here is my history.

i bought an abonnement the same time wiht my box and i received it fonctionning very well. sometime, i had problem wiht the image quality and i contact my provider. we couldn't have an agrement an we decided to stop the service. now i have the box and i'm planing to buy a new abonnement from a new provider. i received a test portal but it didn't work becaus i was receiving " your stb is blocked please contact your provider ". this was whit the Linuxq OS. On android wiht m3u playlist everything ist fine even is there's no way to group channel.
I decided to reset the box and i try the web portal URL again wiht MAG API and it didn't work again just that the error message now is " Application loading error, please check your network or you portal URL" i contact my new provider and he send me a new portal and i verified my DHCP network configuration which was good but still impossible to load portal same message."Application error ....". i contact another provider and he send me new portal still same error message.

I stop everything and i used portal and it works very well.

My question are the following:
1- why do i have that error message ?
2- how can do to have acces to the root of the box?

i attached to sreenshot to my post.

Thanks very much for your special attention in advance.

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